Earthing System Equipment

Last Update: March 2025

Earthing System and Grouning System Tools and Equipment;

Earth Rods (Ground Rods)

Earth Rods
Solid Copper Earth Rods:
Solid Copper Earth Rod Ø16mm & Length 1500mm (16/1500), Price: $32.12
Solid Copper Earth Rod Ø20mm & Length 1500mm (20/1500), Price: $49.29
Copper Bond Earth Rods (With Upper 240 micron copper banded):
Copper Banded Earth Rod Ø16mm & Length 1500mm (16/1500), Price: $10.59
Copper Banded Earth Rod Ø20mm & Length 1500mm (20/1500), Price: $12.94
Copper Shield Earth Rods (With around 30 micron copper shield):
Copper Shield Earth Rod Ø14mm & Length 1500mm (14/1500), Price: $1.25
Copper Shield Earth Rod Ø16mm & Length 1500mm (16/1500), Price: $1.41
Copper Shield Earth Rod Ø20mm & Length 1500mm (20/1500), Price: $2.47
Copper Coated Earth Rods:
Copper Coated Earth Rod Ø16mm & Length 1500mm (16/1500), Price: $1.74
Copper Coated Earth Rod Ø20mm & Length 1500mm (20/1500), Price: $3.27
Stainless Steel Earth Rods:
Stainless Steel Earth Rod Ø16mm & Length 1500mm (16/1500), Price: $14.45

Earth Rods Accessories

Earth Rods Accessories
Coupler for Earth Rod Ø16mm, Price: $2.54
Coupler for Earth Rod Ø20mm, Price: $2.82
Coupler for Solid Copper & St. St. Earth Rod, Price: $0.92
Driving Head for Earth Rod Ø16mm, Price: $0.85
Driving Head for Earth Rod Ø20mm, Price: $1.06
Allen Earth Rod Driving Head, Price: $0.92
Driving Point for Earth Rod, Price: $1.06

Earth Plate

Earth Plate
Solid Copper Earth Plate 99.9% (Bahonnar, Kerman, Iran)
Solid Copper Earth Plate 660 × 660 × 5 mm Price: $245.96
Solid Copper Earth Plate 660 × 660 × 3 mm Price: $149.01
Solid Copper Earth Plate 500 × 500 × 5 mm Price: $144.28
Solid Copper Earth Plate 500 × 500 × 3 mm Price: $89.44
Copper Earth Plate +75% Copper
Copper Earth Plate 700 × 700 × 5 mm Price: $183.42
Copper Earth Plate 700 × 700 × 3 mm Price: $143.76
Copper Earth Plate 600 × 600 × 5 mm Price: $138.91
Copper Earth Plate 600 × 600 × 3 mm Price: $102.40
Copper Earth Plate 500 × 500 × 5 mm Price: $102.40
Copper Earth Plate 500 × 500 × 3 mm Price: $73.71
Copper Earth Plate 400 × 400 × 5 mm Price: $61.12
Copper Earth Plate 400 × 400 × 3 mm Price: $48.08
Copper Earth Plate 300 × 300 × 5 mm Price: $40.66
Copper Earth Plate 300 × 300 × 3 mm Price: $28.22
Copper Coated Earth Plate
Copper Coated Earth Plate 700 × 700 × 4 mm Price: $14.76
Copper Coated Earth Plate 600 × 600 × 4 mm Price: $10.80
Copper Coated Earth Plate 500 × 500 × 4 mm Price: $7.56
Copper Coated Earth Plate 400 × 400 × 4 mm Price: $4.86
Copper Coated Earth Plate 300 × 300 × 4 mm Price: $2.71
Galvanized Earth Plate
Galvanized Earth Plate
Galvanized Earth Plate 500 × 500 × 5 mm Price: $12.26
Galvanized Earth Plate 500 × 500 × 3 mm Price: $10.08
Galvanized Earth Plate With Belt 500 × 500 × 3 mm Price: $15.29 With 5.5 meters galvanized belt.

Earth Conductor - Bare Stranded Copper Conductor

Bare Copper Conductor
  • Bare Stranded Copper Conductor 16, Price: $1.52
  • Bare Stranded Copper Conductor 25, Price: $2.41
  • Bare Stranded Copper Conductor 35, Price: $3.16
  • Bare Stranded Copper Conductor 50, Price: $4.61
  • Bare Stranded Copper Conductor 70, Price: $6.29
  • Bare Stranded Copper Conductor 95, Price: $8.54
  • Bare Stranded Copper Conductor 120, Price: $10.78
  • Bare Stranded Copper Conductor 150, Price: $13.46
  • Bare Stranded Copper Conductor 185, Price: $17.05
  • Bare Stranded Copper Conductor 140, Price: $22.04
Physical Characteristics and Mechanical Properties
Nominal Cross Section
No.& Point and Diameter of Strands
Resistance at 20°C
16 1/70 × 7 142/4 1/128
25 2/10 × 7 217/3 0/7391
35 2/50 × 7 308 0/5215
50 3/00 × 7 443/5 0/3622
50 1/80 × 19 435/8 0/3727
70 2/10 × 19 593/2 0/2538
95 2/50 × 19 840/7 0/1932
120 2/80 × 19 1055/0 0/1540
150 2/25 × 37 1344/0 0/1233
185 3/55 × 19 1695/0 0/09582
185 2/50 × 37 1647/0 0/09981

PVC Covered Stranded Copper Conductor (Green and Yellow Earth Wire)

PVC Covered Stranded Copper Conductor
  • Earth Cable PVC Covered Green Yellow No. 10, Price: $1.13
  • Earth Cable PVC Covered Green Yellow No. 16, Price: $1.80
  • Earth Cable PVC Covered Green Yellow No. 25, Price: $2.81
  • Earth Cable PVC Covered Green Yellow No. 35, Price: $3.68
  • Earth Cable PVC Covered Green Yellow No. 50, Price: $5.31
  • Earth Cable PVC Covered Green Yellow No. 70, Price: $7.25
  • Earth Cable PVC Covered Green Yellow No. 95, Price: $9.80
  • Earth Cable PVC Covered Green Yellow No. 120, Price: $12.38
  • Earth Cable PVC Covered Green Yellow No. 185, Price: $19.47
  • Earth Cable PVC Covered Green Yellow No. 240, Price: $25.14

Bare Copper Earth Tapes

Copper Earth Tapes
Type W x H (mm) Length Price Weight Per Unit (m)
Copper Tape 3 × 20 Unit 4 meters Price: $23.34(Weight per unit 2.2kg)
Copper Tape 5 × 20 Unit 4 meters Price: $38.20(Weight per unit 3.6kg)
Copper Tape 10 × 20 Unit 4 meters Price: $76.40(Weight per unit 7.2kg)
Copper Tape 3 × 25 Unit 4 meters Price: $27.59(Weight per unit 2.6kg)
Copper Tape 5 × 25 Unit 4 meters Price: $48.81(Weight per unit 4.6kg)
Copper Tape 3 × 30 Unit 4 meters Price: $33.95(Weight per unit 3.2kg)
Copper Tape 5 × 30 Unit 4 meters Price: $57.31(Weight per unit 5.4kg)
Copper Tape 10 × 30 Unit 4 meters Price: $113.54(Weight per unit 10.7kg)
Copper Tape 5 × 40 Unit 4 meters Price: $76.40(Weight per unit 7.2kg)
Copper Tape 10 × 40 Unit 4 meters Price: $151.75(Weight per unit 14.3kg)
Copper Tape 5 × 50 Unit 4 meters Price: $95.51(Weight per unit 9kg)
Copper Tape 10 × 50 Unit 4 meters Price: $189.95(Weight per unit 17.9kg)
Copper Tape 5 × 60 Unit 4 meters Price: $113.54(Weight per unit 10.7kg)
Copper Tape 10 × 60 Unit 4 meters Price: $229.21(Weight per unit 21.6kg)
Copper Tape 5 × 80 Unit 4 meters Price: $151.75(Weight per unit 14.3kg)
Copper Tape 10 × 80 Unit 4 meters Price: $303.49(Weight per unit 28.6kg)
Copper Tape 5 × 100 Unit 4 meters Price: $191.01(Weight per unit 18kg)
Copper Tape 10 × 100 Unit 4 meters Price: $378.84(Weight per unit 35.7kg)
Copper Tape 20 × 100 Unit 4 meters Price: $802.25(Weight per unit 72kg)
Copper Tape 10 × 120 Unit 4 meters Price: $474.66(Weight per unit 42.6kg)
Copper Tape 20 × 120 Unit 4 meters Price: $962.69(Weight per unit 86.4kg)
Round Copper Bar 10 Unit 3 meters Price: $22.28(Weight per unit 2.1kg)
Round Copper Bar 12 Unit 3 meters Price: $31.84(Weight per unit 3kg)
Round Copper Bar 14 Unit 3 meters Price: $44.56(Weight per unit 4.2kg)
Round Copper Bar 16 Unit 3 meters Price: $57.31(Weight per unit 5.4kg)
Round Copper Bar 18 Unit 3 meters Price: $68.98(Weight per unit 6.5kg)
Round Copper Bar 20 Unit 3 meters Price: $90.20(Weight per unit 8.5kg)
Round Copper Bar 25 Unit 3 meters Price: $140.07(Weight per unit 13.2kg)
Round Copper Bar 30 Unit 3 meters Price: $201.41(Weight per unit 18.98kg)
Round Copper Bar 35 Unit 3 meters Price: $272.72(Weight per unit 25.7kg)
Round Copper Bar 40 Unit 3 meters Price: $374.39(Weight per unit 33.6kg)
Round Copper Bar 45 Unit 3 meters Price: $473.55(Weight per unit 42.5kg)
Round Copper Bar 50 Unit 3 meters Price: $584.98(Weight per unit 52.5kg)
Round Copper Bar 60 Unit 3 meters Price: $892.71(Weight per unit 76.3kg)
Round Copper Bar 80 Unit 3 meters Price: $1,584.18(Weight per unit 135.4kg)
Copper Bus Bar 10 × 30 Unit 4 meters Price: $106.12(Weight per unit 10kg)
Copper Bus Bar 10 × 40 Unit 4 meters Price: $147.51(Weight per unit 13.9kg)
Copper Bus Bar 10 × 50 Unit 4 meters Price: $180.40(Weight per unit 17kg)
Copper Bus Bar 10 × 60 Unit 4 meters Price: $217.54(Weight per unit 20.5kg)
Copper Bus Bar 10 × 80 Unit 4 meters Price: $305.62(Weight per unit 28.8kg)
Copper Earth Tapes Table of Thickness (mm), Width (mm) and Weight (g)
120 100 80 60 50 40 30 25 20 15 12 10 Width (mm)
Thickness (mm)
3/214 2/679 2/143 1/607 1/339 1/071 0/803 0/669 0/535 0/401 0/321 0/276 3
5/358 4/679 3/572 2/679 2/232 1/786 1/339 1/116 0/893 0/669 0/535 0/446 5
10/716 8/93 7/144 5/358 4/465 3/572 2/679 2/232 1/786 1/339 1/071 0/893 10
16/074 13/395 10/716 8/037 6/697 5/358 4/018 3/348 2/679 2/009 1/607 1/339 15
21/432 17/86 14/288 10/72 8/93 7/144 5/358 4/465 3/572 2/679 2/143 1/786 20
Table of Round Copper Bar Sizes
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Diameter(mm)
1/373 1/148 1/009 0/848 0/701 0/567 0/448 0/343 0/252 0/174 0/112 0/063 0/027 0/007 Weight(g)
65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 22 20 18 16 15 Diameter
29/617 25/236 21/305 17/725 14/145 11/22 8/587 6/309 4/381 3/392 2/804 2/271 1/794 1/577 Weight
200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 Diameter
280/402 253/062 227/125 202/59 179/457 157/7 137/396 118/5 100/944 84/821 70/1 56/781 44/894 34/349 Weight

Copper Braided Tapes, Flexible Copper Braid or Earthing Straps

Copper Braid Tapes

Price: Contact Us

All type flexible of Copper Braided Tapes like Flat Flexible Copper Braid and Round Copper Braid.


Name Weight Price
Bentonite BSAD 20 Kg Price: $1.88 Calcium bentonite
Bentonite BSAD 20 Kg price: $1.88 Sodium bentonite
Low resistance materials OHM 15 Kg Price: $2.59 Carbon base
Bentonite excavation one ton price: $15.29
Bentonite excavation API & OCMA one ton price: $20.59

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